Illegitimate ancestors?
Check of source documents
You may have built your French family tree based on information gleaned from other family trees online. Some of these are well documented; unfortunately others are not. Does your own family tree have a solid French branch? or is it grafted on without validation? I'll carry out a check of cited French sources and provide solid references.
Choice of formats:
Provide existing information in the format that suits you best: either a link to your tree online, or any of GedCom, Word, Excel, or other to be agreed.
I search for the digitised documents online, check the validity of the information, and give you the information required to access source documents.
For each record, I provide:
- a link to the appropriate online resource
- the reference of the register
- the relevant page number of the digitised register
- the reference or exact location of the individual record
£15 per record
£125 for 10 records (e.g. 2 couples' birth, marriage and death records)
Preferred secure method of payment: